Intermediate C++ Game Programming Tutorial 2
From Chilipedia
In this two-part tutorial we learn all about pointers and pointer-related bullshits. Part one focuses on the basics--the most common pointer operations and the basic underlying mechanisms. In part two, we take a look at some less commonly-used but still important pointer operations (pointer arithmetic), as well as some other concepts related to pointers. This tutorial introduces a lot of new concepts and features, but is light on practical examples. In the following tutorials we will get more hands-on practice with pointers, but also make sure to experiment with them on your own after finishing Tutorial 2.
Topics Covered
Part 1
- Declaring pointers
- The addressof operator
- The dereference (indirection) operator
- The arrow (member of pointer) operator
- The indexing (subscript) operator
- The
pointer literal
Part 2
Coming soon!
Video Timestamp Index
Part 1
Write a function called sum
which returns the sum of all elements of an int array.