Intermediate C++ Game Programming Tutorial 9

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We create an addictive little console game that will test both your vocabulary and your deductive powers while we flex our newfound std::muscles.

Topics Covered

  • Practicing std::vector/string/ifstream/cin/cout
  • std::tolower()

Video Timestamp Index

Tutorial 9

  • Intro 0:00
  • Werd gameplay 0:32
  • Start new project in VS 2:30
  • Using std::istream::getline and std::vector::emplace_back, load words from .txt file into a vector 4:13
  • Using the std::mt19937 class in <random>, generate random word out of vector of words 7:36
  • Using while and for loops, prompt the user for input with error checking 9:03
  • Using Chili's infamous LBA (Letter Buckets Approach), create a function to calculate word score 12:18
  • Giving it a test run 18:37
  • Using std::tolower in <cctype>, improve robustness by normalizing user input to all small-caps 19:18
  • Enjoy seeing Chili suck at his own game 20:47
  • Homework 23:14

Source Code

Werd Game Repo

Download Materials


The homework is to modify Werd so that it uses a second word frequency list (linked above) to filter the words selected as targets so that the game doesn't make you guess rare-ass words that nobody knows.

See also