Tools & Resources

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Useful Tools & Resources (WORK IN PROGRESS)

How to contribute

These are all links to external and publicly available sources, no guarantees / responsibility inferred. If there are resources you like and would like to recommend, post them on the Discord and mention r_vdw.

Windows productivity apps

Name Description Link What's so great?
FrHed Versatile binary file / hex editor bl
ShareX Screen capture / file sharing ble
Notepad++ Source code editor and Notepad replacement blah

Online compiling / testing

Name Description Link What's so great?
Ideone Online compiler and debugger (~60 languages)
Wandbox Online compilation service

C++ Libraries

Game tooling / engines

Name Description Link What's so great?
SFML Simple and Fast Multimedia Library


Name Description Link What's so great?
DLib C++ toolkit containing machine learning algorithms

Categorized / aggregation sites

Name Description Link What's so great?
cppreference libraries As suggested by cppreference users
boost C++ libraries boost your shit

Reference sites

Laterature (books, blogs, papers, written shit)

Programming Fundamentals

Name Description Link What's so great?
Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs, by Harold Abelson et al. (2nd ed. 1996)
boerg2eporrighwrpoogwrt rt pwirth gpwirt hgpwroihtg hw

C++ Fundamentals

3D Computer Graphics

Operating systems

Crazy shit in C++