3D Fundamentals Tutorial 1
This video gives a quick tour of the framework we're going to be using to explore the concepts of realtime 3D graphics. The intended audience is mainly people coming to the 3D Fundamentals series without experience in my other tutorials.
This video is not meant to explain all of the inner mechanisms of framework or the APIs used. I know a lot of people are literally shitting themselves with impatience over that, but trust me, the time is not yet ripe and nubile. You won't be able to properly understand the Direct3D API without first understanding 3D theory, and while I could explain the WinAPI stuff at this point, it would just detract from the focus of this series.
Now if you are curious, you can check out a video from the old Intermediate series that explains the WinAPI and Direct3D initialization (albeit, D3D9, not D3D11). But trust me, if you think that learning this one thing is going to change everything, you will be sorely disappointed. There is no one key that will unlock all the doors of awesome. You gotta build it up, one block at a time. And right now, the most important thing is to understand the theory of 3D graphics.
The reference for the framework can be found here. Note that this reference is for the framework as it is in the Beginner series, and thus it lacks information on certain classes like the vector and matrix classes and the surface class.
The tutorial video is on YouTube here
- Getting the framework code (clone from GitHub) 0:43
class 2:00 -
class 4:54 -
class 7:16 -
class 8:14 -
classes 9:57
entry point 11:30
The GitHub repository for the tutorial code is here.